Not only can the concept of tattoos be seen at conventions and social gatherings, but now there are toys that are promoting the idea of tattooing.Tattoos over the past decade have become so popular (with a little help from the media) that now tattoo industry is capitalizing this idea to get even more exposure from the help of these tattoos toys.
It’s a very smart idea to let the kids buy toys which they can put tattoos on from an early age. This is definitely a type of brainwash advertisement for kids because young children are so gullible. As a result, young kids will have a greater chance of getting a tattoo in the future, since tattoos are shown to kidsat an early stage. Exposure is the key ingredient to any new concept to the market, in this case the more tattoos are shown on the media the more people will accept them, same thing will go for this tattoo toy.This toy is popular, even thought the parents don’t necessary approve of the idea. To parents tattoos dont want thier kids to learn about tattoos at an early age, because the outcome will result in thier kids getting a tattoo when they are young.Parents can later expect their kids wanting an actually tattoo because of interaction with the tattoo toy. There is one drawback to this, kids are so trusting that parents need to explain the real process of gettingtattoo, therefore there is a chance of preventing this problems in the future with tattoos.
I’m amazed that something as innocent as a toy, which can have such huge implications on the child’s decision to get a tattoo.That’s why tattoos are now considered so cool and wanted by everyone, because from day one tattoo hold this unique connection to a person that makes them attractive.
This was an interesting video to watch, seeing this I never knew about the existences of these toys. I think the idea is cleaver and unique in contrast to every other toys out there is pretty much similar. I just wonder what will come out next.
I came to San Francisco when I was 9 years old. Currently I'am a senior at San Franciso State Unversity major in marketing. I have worked at Trader Joe's for 3 years. Hoping to get an intery level position related to marketing when I graduate this summer.
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