Monday, April 11, 2011

LED Tattoos….The Future…..?

I just read this article about LED tattoos and it blew me away to see how technology will soon change the way we get tattoos in the future. You can find this article on The new technique will consist of implanting micro thin, flexible, silicon electronics that will react with the skin and will make any image on a person’s body without causing any damage. Think of the possibilities no pain and cutting the time: it is incredible.

Studies at the University of Pennsylvania have already used this technology on lab mice and were successful. Their next step is human trials which hopefully will be soon.  What I got from this article is taht a person will have the option of even changing the design of the tattoo or changing the direction of it to fit the desire of the persons wants.

If this works out and is successful, it will forever change the way people get and view tattoos. From one point of view, with this technology it will open a lot of new possibilities and a new way of getting a tattoo. However with this in the making what will be the future of the existing tattoos shops and the traditional way of getting a tattoo. Will this technology put tattoos shops out of business or will tattoos shops incorporate it within their own shops, creating a hybrid tattoos experience.  By providing the customer with machinery way of devolving tattoos and the hand held ink machines of the traditional way of tattooing customers can choose any way of getting a tattoo in the future. 

It’s much too early to tell the outcome of this technological advancement whether it will benefit the public or if it is going to fail. One thing for sure it is mind bottling to see this process and how it will work.