Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tattoo Vaccinations

Tattoos vaccinations are the future of expanding the different ways tattoos can be used. It works by inserting fragments of DNA into a person's body that with antibodies which will interact with the person and immunize them from all ranges of infections or disease like HPV, a sexual transmitted infections.  So the needle will be applied to the tattoo so if there is a mark left behind the tattoo will cover it up.

The downside to this procedure is that it will hurt more than a standard vaccination. So people that can’t take pain are probable not going to get these shots. These shots are designed to treat serious infection that need extra strength shots and which are highly effective to treat complicated and life threatening infections.

These vaccinations shots in the long run are intended to treat disease, rather than just prevent them. It’s good to see that tattoo have a positive reaction and benefit rather than a negative image. I think over the year’s medicine and tattoo will go hand in hand helping and treating diseases and help peoples live drastically.

Monday, May 2, 2011

More Ink, More Meaning to Me….

I want to write this post about how I feel about tattoos and my future body work, which I will be getting done in November. When I first began thinking about getting a tattoo which was 5 years ago I just wanted to get something small so I can say that I had a tattoo. However over time I started to think more about what I wanted to get and I wanted my tattoo to have meaning and thought behind it rather than just a random image.

I started searching images online about the ideas I had, because I know exactly what I looking for but I didn’t know if I wanted my tattoo to be in color or what style I wanted to get; defiantly seeing over thousands of images online helped me in my decision of getting the right tattoo for myself.

My sleeve that I got 3 years ago consists of a tiger, Sagittarius zodiac sign, phoenix, hourglass, ying-yang sign, Kio-fish, rose-mary beads, waves, chains, and a moon. I know this seems like a lot but added these images over time to my arm. I think the most important aspect is to really think about what image a person wants to get and then give some time to think about it. That’s what I did and I’m very happy about my tattoo.

Also when I was thinking on what kind of tattoo to get, I went to couple tattoos shops and just talked to the owners and watched them tattoo other people. This helped me to see the kind of styles there are out there and find some really good tattoo artists.  

As for telling my parents that I was getting a tattoo I tried to prolong that process as much as I could. My parents have the mentality of the old days and have the misconception that tattoos go with criminals. I remember wearing longs sleeve shirts just to keep my tattoos covered up, even wearing the shirts in 85 degree weather. Eventually my mom saw my tattoo when I got out of the shower and we had a long argument about it afterwards. Now after 3 years my parents are fine with my tattoo and my mom really likes my tattoo and respects the images that I choose to put on my body. Word of advice if you’re planning on getting a tattoo and you still live with your parents it’s better to tell them ahead of time about getting a tattoo rather than shocking your parents to death.

It’s been 3 years since I got my first tattoo and now I’m in the process of getting my second sleeve done in November. It’s very true once you get one tattoo that is only the beginning and I never believed that till now. TATTOS ARE VERY ADDICTIVE! Once you get one the process never stops of getting tatted up till one day you run out of room on your skin.

I love everything about tattoos the way they look, meaning, and even the pain of getting a tattoo. My second sleeve will consist of a raven, Samaria, four seasons, bio-mechanical clock/heart, and spider web. Again I’m getting the tattoo in black and gray, I’m not fond of color tattoos I not sure why. I guess I like the old traditional tattoos which are black and gray with a slight reddish color to them that makes the tattoo pop. Wish me luck and I will let you know how my next tattoo turns out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tattoos Exposure Thought Toys…..

Not only can the concept of tattoos be seen at conventions and social gatherings, but now there are toys that are promoting the idea of tattooing.  Tattoos over the past decade have become so popular (with a little help from the media) that now tattoo industry is capitalizing this idea to get even more exposure from the help of these tattoos toys.

It’s a very smart idea to let the kids buy toys which they can put tattoos on from an early age. This is definitely a type of brainwash advertisement for kids because young children are so gullible. As a result, young kids will have a greater chance of getting a tattoo in the future, since tattoos are shown to kidsat an early stage. Exposure is the key ingredient to any new concept to the market, in this case the more tattoos are shown on the media the more people will accept them, same thing will go for this tattoo toy.  This toy is popular, even thought the parents don’t necessary approve of the idea. To parents tattoos dont want thier kids to learn about tattoos at an early age, because the outcome will result in thier kids getting a tattoo when they are young. Parents can later expect their kids wanting an actually tattoo because of interaction with the tattoo toy. There is one drawback to this, kids are so trusting that parents need to explain the real process of getting  tattoo, therefore there is a chance of preventing this problems in the future with tattoos.

I’m amazed that something as innocent as a toy, which can have such huge implications on the child’s decision to get a tattoo.  That’s why tattoos are now considered so cool and wanted by everyone, because from day one tattoo hold this unique connection to a person that makes them attractive.

This was an interesting video to watch, seeing this I never knew about the existences of these toys. I think the idea is cleaver and unique in contrast to every other toys out there is pretty much similar. I just wonder what will come out next.

Tattooed For A Different Reason….

I always hear about people getting tattoos by mistake either when they are intoxicated or just to get it for fun. Recently, I was talking to a friend and as she was standing I noticed a tattoo on the inside of her ribs, it was a flower blossoming and yet it was half dead. I was fascinated with the tattoo and I asked her what it meant for her having this tattoo and why she gotten it. She replied and said “it was a mistake that I came to live with and now cherish”.

I didn’t understand the answer she gave me, so I asked her to elaborate on the questions I asked about her tattoo. The reason she has gotten that tattoos is when she broke up with her boyfriend 2 years ago, supposedly it was her first true love she wanted to hold on to that memory. The meaning of her flower was that half of it was dead symbolizing she has lost something very important; her boyfriend, and the other half was blooming symbolizing there is still hope to find another man in her life that she can love.

This made me think some mistakes in a way are not really mistakes at all like in my friend’s case. She thought it was a huge mistake, but over the 2 years she always looks at it and she remembers the good time she had and how she overcame a tough situation. I think sometimes when people say their tattoo is a mistake; it really means they just don’t want to talk about it because it is so personal to them.

As human beings we always learn more from our mistakes and struggles in life, a tattoo can capture those moments and will always remind us of our accomplishments and helps us move on with our lives. One new bit of information I learned from this, a tattoo can provide a person with closure to a bad situation. This made me rethink why people get names or faces on their bodies, it symbolizes the people they have loved or still love. So people have to realize that a tattoo is not just ink on the skin: it is a captured memory on our bodies that will always be with us till we die.

Monday, April 11, 2011

LED Tattoos….The Future…..?

I just read this article about LED tattoos and it blew me away to see how technology will soon change the way we get tattoos in the future. You can find this article on The new technique will consist of implanting micro thin, flexible, silicon electronics that will react with the skin and will make any image on a person’s body without causing any damage. Think of the possibilities no pain and cutting the time: it is incredible.

Studies at the University of Pennsylvania have already used this technology on lab mice and were successful. Their next step is human trials which hopefully will be soon.  What I got from this article is taht a person will have the option of even changing the design of the tattoo or changing the direction of it to fit the desire of the persons wants.

If this works out and is successful, it will forever change the way people get and view tattoos. From one point of view, with this technology it will open a lot of new possibilities and a new way of getting a tattoo. However with this in the making what will be the future of the existing tattoos shops and the traditional way of getting a tattoo. Will this technology put tattoos shops out of business or will tattoos shops incorporate it within their own shops, creating a hybrid tattoos experience.  By providing the customer with machinery way of devolving tattoos and the hand held ink machines of the traditional way of tattooing customers can choose any way of getting a tattoo in the future. 

It’s much too early to tell the outcome of this technological advancement whether it will benefit the public or if it is going to fail. One thing for sure it is mind bottling to see this process and how it will work.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thought… meaning…mistakes?

I have adored tattoos for many years and am always looking and judging in my head if the tattoos I see are of a good quality. I have seen many tattoos all over people’s bodies whether it was at tattoos shops or the beach.  It’s important to find a good spot for a tattoo; one has to think if he wants it to be reveling or not, the size, color, artists, and cost. The most important aspect of getting tattoos is the meaning of the tattoo to the person. Without meaning and thought put into the tattoos it’s not truly worth having it on the body.

Lately, I have been talking to some of my friends and meeting new people and I have noticed many tattoos and I always ask the reasoning a meaning of the tattoo.  As a result I found out that a lot people just get it for no reason or it was because of bad judgment. Tattoos are so popular these days that a lot of people just get them and they have no personal value or feeling, which later in life those people will regret them and have to get it removed.  To a true tattoo lover like me tattoos are not just drawings that are made from ink and needle. They represent who I ‘am and what I believe in. Every time I look at my sleeve I remember the whole process of getting it and the meaning. So when I hear people randomly get tattoos that are just on their skin, I think it lowers the standers of tattoos and the connection the tattoos have with a person.

The qualities of the tattoos depend on the ink and the shading/filling process. Ink is very important if it is good quality, then the tattoo will not fade for a long time even if it is exposed to the sun a lot. The shading/filling stage is the next step and good artists will use this to their advantage by making precise details on the tattoos to which capture the look and feeling the person wants. The details are the emotion of the tattoo. I’m taking about the emotion that you want to feel when the tattoo is done or how you want people to feel when they see the tattoo.  So when people just get tattoos out of the blue they are missing a huge part of the tattoos process, which makes the tattoo that more satisfying.

This tattoos above is so detailed and beautiful, the colors complement each other very well. I’m sure there is a lot of meaning behind it since it is a Japanese body suit tattoo. You can clearly see the shading is done so well and the lines are very straight. What brings this piece together is the shading done to the background so the center piece pops out like it is a real image. Over all, it’s a clean looking tattoo.

Exposed Ink in the Publics Eyes…..

Most people when they get tattoos cover them up whether it’s at work or at a meeting.  I personally think tattoos are definitely the trend for our generation, instead of getting addicted to alcohol or drugs, people are now addicted to tattoos. I don’t think this is a bad thing, it’s just a new way a person can express themselves. My question that I want to answer or ponder about is, how much can a person with tattoos reveal in public?

First of all we have to take in account the place where people live I want to focus on the Bay Area and New York. I choose New York because it contains some of the best tattoo shops like Studio 28 Tattoos, Dare Devi Tattoos, Three King Tattoos, and many more.  And the Bay Area because I live here and there are a lot of good shops here too like Triple R Tattoos, Guru Tattoos, Godspeed Tattoos, and a whole lot more. These two places are where tattoos are widely accepted and people don’t have to always cover up their body work.

When it comes to work tattoos have to be always covered up, so the person can be taken professionally. Even though most people have tattoos everyone follows the code of concealing tattoos at work. People at a professional level like at firms and corporations won’t hire if they see a person with a tattoos at an interview. This is very sad because now that person is being judged by their tattoos, not by what he knows even thought he could be more then qualified for the job. People’s mentality at a professional workplace is still very narrow when it comes to tattoos.  I have friends who work at marketing firms like, IBM, and Oracle that have to cover their tattoos up because they don’t want to send the wrong message across when doing business with a client. In this situation the tattoos have to be 100% covered.  People at work have to put on a new identity just to fit it and have to dress certain ways to blend in with the company’s image. That phrase we use “Don’t judge a book by its cover” well people in real business world always do and it’s never good opinions if they notice tattoos.

In an open environment like retails stores, labor intense jobs, sports, and entertainment, it's fine to show off tattoos and there is no concern about not fitting in. I myself work at Trader Joe's and when customers see my tattoos it’s always a great conversation that follows after. No matter if the customer is a pregnant women or a retired veteran people are fascinated by tattoos. Of course, tattoos on the neck or face are not prohibited at my work, but on the body it perfectly fine. I guess there is a level of exposure in every business when it comes to the amount of tattooed skin a person can reveal.

When it comes to family member and friends there is no limit on the amount of exposure of tattoos a person can reveal, because they accept you for who you are. I have a rule about how much of my tattoos I can show and to whom. When it comes to family and close ones because the relationship is personal, exposure can be 100% of the tattoo, but when it’s at a professional level or meeting a manager full coverage is the best way to go by. It’s great to have tattoos, but people with them have to be careful who they show them and the amount of exposure.